Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin
About Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin
750ml & 83.5 Proof
Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin is a classically dry gin that combines Asian botanicals and Mediterranean citrus.
It’s a wildly popular in Australia (where it’s made!) but is just becoming more well-known state-side.
Be one of the first to experience what the Aussies have been enjoying for years.
Gold Medal winner, San Francisco World Spirits Competition, 2021
Double Gold Medal winner, San Francisco World Spirits Competition, 2014 & 2016
International Gin Producer of the Year, International Wine & Spirits Competition, 2019 & 2020
Recommended by
Kellie Thorn, creator of the Sepal & Spice cocktail, recommends Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin in the Ginuary Box from Shaker & Spoon.
According to Kellie, “This is a vibrant explosion of character. Aromas and flavors of bright citrus and exotic spices harmonize together and are well supported by a mouth-filling and silky texture. It’s the kind of gin that can be enjoyed over a large ice cube on its own but also brings a lot to the table in a cocktail.”