Bayab Classic Dry Gin
About Bayab Classic Dry Gin
Looking for a classic gin with a modern twist? Look no further than Bayab Classic Dry Gin. Crafted using traditional distillation techniques and a secret blend of botanicals, this gin offers a balanced and flavorful profile that’s perfect for any cocktail.
Bayab Classic Dry Gin is a small-batch gin crafted by expert distillers who are passionate about their craft. Made in South Africa, this gin is the perfect choice for anyone who loves a classic gin with a modern twist.
Little Known Fact
The name Bayab comes from the Zulu word “Bayabonga”, which means “they give thanks” – a fitting name for a gin that’s crafted with care and dedication.
Tasting Notes
Bayab Classic Dry Gin is a well-balanced gin with notes of juniper, citrus, and a hint of spice. The finish is clean and crisp, making it the perfect base for a wide range of cocktails.
Suggested Serve
Try mixing Bayab Classic Dry Gin with tonic water and a squeeze of fresh lime for a refreshing twist on a classic G&T. For a more complex cocktail, mix Bayab with fresh grapefruit juice, simple syrup, and a splash of soda water for a Bayab Paloma.
Recommended by: Trevor Frye, creator of Worth Three In the Saddle
Trevor Frye first tried Bayab Classic Dry Gin at Bar Convent Brooklyn and was hooked: “There was an essence that I couldn’t quite place: a creamy complexity with tanginess on the backend, with salinity and citrus. Turns out, it’s from the baobab fruit, and it was a flavor that was totally new to me! The infusion of Zambian baobab fruit, juniper berries, coriander, rosemary, cinnamon, and of course salt gives this gin a bold burst of fresh African citrus that simply delights the taste buds.”
Production Notes
Bayab Classic Dry Gin is made using a traditional distillation process, with a secret blend of botanicals that includes juniper, coriander, citrus, and more. The gin is then bottled at 43% ABV, making it the perfect strength for sipping or mixing.
In summary, Bayab Classic Dry Gin is a well-crafted gin that offers a classic profile with a modern twist. With a secret blend of botanicals and a traditional distillation process, this gin is perfect for anyone who loves a classic G&T or wants to experiment with new cocktails. The balanced flavor profile and crisp finish make it a great choice for sipping or mixing.
750ml & 86 Proof